If you don’t know read on. It is common knowledge among the spiritual masters and sages that heaven has many mansions. The astral world or what many call the astral heaven is where many go because of their righteous life during their stay here on earth. In the astral world there is a tremendous evil and spiritual realm.
The reason why the beautiful astral world is called heaven is the astral universe is made of very subtle vibrations above our earth and the saint’s call this earth “The Dark Physical Prison” where the saints can’t believe we are able to live and breathe in such an incredible heavy atmosphere, so gross as this planet.
On this planet the good the bad and the ugly are all here together and you are stuck here with the barbarians and the savages but when you leave this world your vibration will be your passport to the hereafter into the astral plane. To enter the higher realms of the astral worlds your vibration must be high enough to pass through the divine fencing. What does that mean?
In the empire of the higher luminous planets where finer spirits live, the souls with lower vibration who want to enter are blocked and those who dare to move towards those higher regions would be instantly shocked or ‘astral-ocuted’ by the astral fencing higher voltage of astral power to keep out unfit souls who don’t belong.
Likewise as the fish swim and live in the water, the birds fly and live in the air and the worms beneath the earth, the fishes, birds and worms cannot continuously live out of their watery and earthly environment and should not.
As it is with our Southern Boarder it has a fencing wall of concrete and steel to keep out the unlawful trespassers. Just as the astral fencing keeps out the lower souls in the astral world. Different levels where the higher and lower beings reside after the physical death. However the tainted suicide souls are earthbound until they are allowed to leave. It is utterly impossible for them to escape.
Death is the pension earned after a long time of activity in the office of life. Death is the cessation of pain. Suicide under any condition is a spiritual crime because it involves the quitting of the duty or test in life. The person who commits suicide is denied the privilege of peace which attends the rightly won pension of death. He who deserts this earth as a coward cannot be granted the pension of rest.
Imprisoned in their astral bodies they grieve the loss of their earthly life and find no rest and therefore must roam in the lower astral planes grieving the loss of their physical embodiment; hating to be reborn for the very reasons they have taken their own lives. These pitiful souls have to wander around in the ether until they have worn out the karmic effects of their bad actions; many of them were very unscrupulous during their time on earth.
In order to preserve this country, it ought to be a very specific task for somebody, not a citizen, to become one. If they come here via legal immigration, they do have to take a test. And those who endeavor to become citizens and pass the test, it’s one of the most proud days of their lives. If you’ve ever been to a naturalization ceremony or ever seen one televised, it’s one of the proudest days of their lives, to become, quote, unquote, an American.
They learn the language. They become familiar with the customs. They do not sacrifice their nationality. If they arrive here as Italians, they’re still Italians, Italian Americans, but they become Americans. It’s a good thing to become an American, to be a participant in this unique, distinct culture.
We are a nation with a culture and a society worth preserving as hard as it takes, as long as it takes, as much as it takes to preserve it. And we are under assault. There are people who think that our society is exclusionary, it’s unfair, it discriminates. And all of that is literally a bunch of caca. We have in the past had problems. No nation on earth has done more to address discrimination, injustice, and it’s an ongoing thing that the people of this country engage in each and every day while being accused of being racists, sexists, bigots, and homophobes.
But I’m drifting away here. The bottom line is that America is so valuable to the world, America is so important, preserving the culture that led to this exceptionalism is worth preserving, and it ought to be hard. It ought to take some effort to become an American. If you have grown up and you’ve not been educated, you want to come here, you want to become a citizen, you need to learn what it takes.
People born here grow into it and that birthright, if you’re born here you’re a citizen so you don’t have to take any tests, you just grow up and hopefully you become an American. But we’re in charge. Every nation should be in charge of who gets in and who doesn’t. Every nation should have the ultimate right to determine who gets in and becomes a citizen and who doesn’t. There’s nothing discriminatory about that. There’s nothing unfair about that. It’s necessary to preserve the country as is. That’s why we have borders and so forth.
Well, what’s happening is that unique, distinct culture is being diluted and watered down by record numbers of illegal immigrants who want to become citizens but do not want to have to do anything required to become a citizen other than show up. And that’s why so many of us feel the country is at risk and threatened. So, it should not be easier to become a citizen. It’s not that hard now. But it takes some level of commitment. You want to see some degree of commitment. In anything. Nothing in life should be easy. Nothing worthwhile is easy. Everything worthwhile does take some effort, in some cases a lot of it. G.Tori.PY.RL.